Saturday 21 February 2009

Finally - I'm back

Yes, once more back and blogging. Crikey it has been a while. I didn't think it had been that long but obviously it has. Never mind, here I am and determined to be a bit more visible now.

Last year did go very pear shaped. I never quite got into the swing of things after being so ill over December and January and frankly the whole thing was a struggle. Summer just raced by, my youngest son started school, I had an Open University exam to work for and my father in law was seriously ill and in hospital for months. In a way I was quite glad when Christmas and New Year came round so I could wave goodbye to the old and make a fresh start. Things seem to be picking up now. My father in law is back home, I'm starting a new Open University course and my youngest son seems to have settled into school without any problems. February is with us and things seem to be ok. I'm still knitting and crocheting of course and I still have my cats Merry and Pippin keeping an eye on me. Not that I think those lazy cats have kept me on the straight and narrow so far.

I've started a new knitting passion - socks. These were my very first attempt at knitting a pair of socks. Unfortunately, due to inexperience, I knitted a pair in a size considerably bigger than I needed so they are huge. I also ran out of wool before I finished them so they are incomplete. I'm not too concerned about it as it was an exercise in learning how to knit socks on a circular needle so I've learned a great deal from making them. I shall frog them and re-knit in the smaller size as I do like the pattern.

These are my latest socks